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Old 15-06-2023, 01:54 AM
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The $10 replacement net was a lie - cheeky advertising by a shonky Ali Express shop

So I ended up with a $17 one from ebay

Ground some grooves in the steel, so the glue had something to grip on to

I also originally built it, so was weighted such a way, that it would have a slight lean toward the fish for left handed netting

That was a mistake

It had a heavy lean

So I ditched those plans and got angry - I was stepping on - getting it in head locks - but finally the vice gave me the opportunity to unleash enough fury to get it into perfect balance

The steel ring is a bit out of whack now but it balances just the way I want it to for left or right handed netting
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Last edited by yellow door 1; 15-06-2023 at 01:58 AM.
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Old 15-06-2023, 01:55 AM
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Old 15-06-2023, 02:08 AM
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Just noticed how I could have made the neck stronger by lengthening the steel inserts - I was also going to bind rope around the insertion point for extra support - but its only for little fish and it just withstood me popping veins in my neck to straighten the steel - so it should be right😉
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Old 17-06-2023, 03:40 AM
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Are you going to make a shorter one for the kayak?
Dyslexics of the world untie.

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Old 18-06-2023, 07:33 PM
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Originally Posted by greggo_1 View Post
Are you going to make a shorter one for the kayak?
I deliberately made the handle too long so I could sneak up on the perfect length. Going to do some field trials with a long handle to see where my hand naturally want to sit - then chop the end off to suit

Some of the handles on commercially produced yak nets looked a bit short to me - so I want to go custom and sneak up on the perfect length

Which model Berkley is your favourite kayak net for small stuff like bream and reddies - and have you ever wished the handle was a bit shorter or a bit longer?

Last edited by yellow door 1; 18-06-2023 at 07:45 PM.
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Old 18-06-2023, 07:41 PM
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Old 18-06-2023, 07:44 PM
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Old 18-06-2023, 07:59 PM
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Ps Just bought a new "Cordless" but not cordless rotary tool - New favourite tool

So once I get the net handle length right - it will make shaping my signature "Champagne Cork Butt Plug" a breeze.
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Old 18-06-2023, 08:19 PM
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Originally Posted by yellow door 1 View Post
I deliberately made the handle too long so I could sneak up on the perfect length. Going to do some field trials with a long handle to see where my hand naturally want to sit - then chop the end off to suit

Some of the handles on commercially produced yak nets looked a bit short to me - so I want to go custom and sneak up on the perfect length

Which model Berkley is your favourite kayak net for small stuff like bream and reddies - and have you ever wished the handle was a bit shorter or a bit longer?
I've got one similar to this. I like the collapsable nets as they stow away until needed, and with a quick flick they open up.

The length is fine, quite strong and durable frame. I've had mine for about 7 years and have landed a couple of decent Jewies with it when I've dropped or forgotten my lipgrips.
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Dyslexics of the world untie.

Stihl..ms200-088 mag
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Old 19-06-2023, 03:01 AM
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Originally Posted by greggo_1 View Post
I've got one similar to this. I like the collapsable nets as they stow away until needed, and with a quick flick they open up.

The length is fine, quite strong and durable frame. I've had mine for about 7 years and have landed a couple of decent Jewies with it when I've dropped or forgotten my lipgrips.
Thanks Greggo - much appreciated

Yeah I wanted a little silicone one for catch and release reddies - that way I could use treble hooks and not get to enraged by tangles

I do have one of your style as a telescopic land based carp net - I think I love it too much to cut it up though .........but you are swaying me towards it

One net that can do it all is what I want.

I do have my trusty old Jewie net - its got deep pockets so I can just sling them in head first - no bending in half required - but its too big to be helpful on smaller species.

If I didnt want to target bream and Jewies in the same session - I wouldnt be having these dilemmas - HMMMMMM

actually stuff the bream - if they fall off they fall off - I just bring my big Jewie net

Thanks for being there to get me through this Greggo
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Old 19-06-2023, 05:11 AM
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Originally Posted by yellow door 1 View Post
Thanks for being there to get me through this Greggo
Haha,any time Ol' Chum.

I rarely have problems with trebles getting caught up in the net...I rarely use hardbodies.
Most of my fishing now is with plastics and I rarely target Bream, so the mesh net is more than suitable.

Good luck with it.
Dyslexics of the world untie.

Stihl..ms200-088 mag
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Old 19-06-2023, 06:29 AM
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Originally Posted by greggo_1 View Post
Haha,any time Ol' Chum.

I rarely have problems with trebles getting caught up in the net...I rarely use hardbodies.
Most of my fishing now is with plastics and I rarely target Bream, so the mesh net is more than suitable.

Good luck with it.
Yeah as usual Im over thinking it - I rarely if ever use Hbs these days and if I do I usually only use one set of trebs.

But I just bought a few $1.11 sinking HBs off ali express and they're the ones that got me thinking about silicone nets. And the thin webbing around the Jaw of reddies is what got me thinking about nets - If I ever hook a good one on the outside of the face with weak trebles or in a weird spot thats a weak part of the fish - I'll want a net close by
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Last edited by yellow door 1; 19-06-2023 at 04:23 PM.
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Old 19-06-2023, 06:38 AM
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I caught a few micro Eps when I was giving them a test - and one bent the hook by flick his tail when I had the pliers on the treble.

This gave me a "flash forward" to the Horror I would feel if a 50cm reddie bent a treb because I didnt have a net....................

And thats how this whole saga started
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Old 20-06-2023, 09:20 PM
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Another PSA about the Iphone.

I use "Siri" alot because I need alot of hands free info . Mainly when working with tools, cooking etc.

I suck at maths and conversions and need alarms for my elaborate cook-ups where seconds can be the difference between a master piece and a disaster

She had just started having difficulty hearing me.

Every time I asked her to set an alarm - She'd say - "Your U-turn alarm has been set" - and she was beginning to mishear things

I figured my XR is getting old and as it isnt as waterproof as it used to be. So I figured it was on the way out.

So there wasnt alot of harm in attempting a fix.

Turns out there was just a layer of gunk over the forward facing microphone that I have never cleaned.

2 cotton buds and some glasses lens cleaner and - bang - now she can hear me when I whisper at 1 million miles an hour.

I googled how to do it (after I fixed it of course) - but heres what some one else did.

Mine didnt have any visible debris, it just had waxy coating over it. The alcohol in the lens cleaner loosened that up
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Last edited by yellow door 1; 20-06-2023 at 09:22 PM.
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Old 24-06-2023, 11:36 PM
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Bit late on the net discussion but that berkley kayak net 50cm is pretty much what I used, except mine was the old catch and release net that I cut down to length myself. According to the specs its the same head size and I reckon I cut it to around the same length theirs is, was a great net that I had used on everything from bream, trout and redfin to cod and jewies (upto around 80cm). Recently lost it on the river and bought the telescopic version as a replacement (more boat use in mind) but might grab one of them for the yak as well.
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