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Old 24-11-2020, 03:58 AM
Sean DRose Sean DRose is offline
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Location: Maribyrnong, Melbourne VIC
Posts: 9
Hi from Maribyrnong Melbourne

Hi all,

I'm Sean and new to bream fishing.

I used to go bait fishing to the tambo and Lakes Entrance with my dad as a kid but we never really had any real idea about what we were doing.
We'd catch the occasional bream and aus salmon in the lakes but after many trips of no fish, I moved onto trout and fly fishing and have been doing that seriously for about 25+years catch and release.

I never really had any interest in bream, to me it was all sandworms, pippis and certainly not in the Maribyrnong which I assumed was either polluted and/or fished out.

Then comes the corona virus lockdown and the Nong is the only fishable water within 5kms of me so I give it another look and discover a few youtube channels targeting bream.
(thanks Fishing Victoria; Paul Malov, Tommy mac etc)

Wow, not only are these guys catching fish consistently, but they're getting some decent fish, and on lures. Now i'm interested.
So I venture out and get a couple of good fish on bread w circle hooks
(got to start somewhere).
Then I got myself a bream raider, 6lb braid and some soft plastics and now i'm determined to get good at this.

I mainly fish around edgewater, but i'm having a really hard time on the plastics. I've probably fished about 8 or 9 sessions with no fish so im looking for help from the pros.
(Yes, i'm using the zman 1/16 or 1/20oz, 2.5inch grub in motoroil and going really slow)

I really hope this forum is still alive, my google searches on bream kept bringing me to posts on this forum so I know you breammaster guys are like minded. The registration page didn't work so I had to email the admins to get on board.

My focus will be on the nong and edgewater for the moment as i'm a keen sight fisher and I can spot them pretty readily.

I'm hoping to make my forum contributions a journey into the world of bream fishing and hopefully a story of me going from novice to pro!

So far I have only caught one fish on a sp. I spotted him in a concrete drain thing eating the weed (i think) off the side, i dropped the plastic straight down and he nailed it. That's been my only success so far.
Most of the time they spook whenver the sp come near even if i cast well beyond them and gently jig it back. They even spook when the plastic has been sitting on the bottom and they cruise into sight.
Trying to figure it all out.

Thanks guys, i'd like to hear from those of you who are still lurking around and keen to help a new guy into the sport!

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Old 24-11-2020, 06:05 PM
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Welcome aboard and congrats on the first

Unfortunately my info on that area is old news. I havent fished it in many years and it received alot less pressure back then.

My sessions there used to focus on dawn and dusk casting 4cm hardbodied bibbed minnows - high tide was a must.

I also preferred midweek when it had had a rest from the weekends efforts.

and although site casting is heaps of fun - if they can see you - the game just got 20 times harder.

Good luck - and treat them like really spooky trout - they are quite aware of their surroundings and bank movements - so if the sight casting isnt working try some longer blind casts to fish you cant see
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Old 24-11-2020, 07:48 PM
Sean DRose Sean DRose is offline
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Location: Maribyrnong, Melbourne VIC
Posts: 9
Thanks yellowdoor, yes I get the impression that edgewater fishes different to other areas, and that it gets alot of pressure.

I've been hitting it up at hightide both early morning and at night, and during the week.

I haven't had any luck at night although I have found some prawns I think. Very hard to identify, they scatter fast with my headlamp, but they are amongst the shallow rocks, about 3.5inch long. I can see why a lure like the OSP bent minnow would match these especially in their movement.

I'm surprised the bream were not there chasing the prawns. i've heard that bream feeding on surface make a popping sound, and I certainly did not hear or see anything. I had abit of moonlight.
This was just after abit of rain so maybe they pushed out.
Not sure, these are all the patterns I have to figure out

Mornings have been better in that I can at least see the fish from the pedestrian bridge. I can see the bream turn sideways and flash. They are eating something off the rocks, I assume its weed.
The good thing is that I know the fish are there and in the area even if I cant catch them.
At least I know the issue is me and my technique rather than there being no fish around.

I do approach them like i'm polarizing trout, but I think they are spookier.
I swear that even the sound of the cast has spooked them whilst i've remained hidden behind tall bushes.
All good, i'll figure it out.

I've been mixing it up, targeting the deeper as well, different areas of the lake etc.

thanks for the input, i'll keep trying.

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Old 25-11-2020, 04:11 AM
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Hi mate. Send a PM to Dale (GTXRally) or Steve (Emo) they are die-hard Nong fishos and would be happy to help I'm sure.

Good luck, Greggo.
Dyslexics of the world untie.

Stihl..ms200-088 mag
Buckingham.. harness and spurs

PB.Hard. 46 mtr Mountain Ash
PB. Soft. 42 mtr Trifurcated Cypress
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Old 25-11-2020, 06:13 AM
Cortinaboy Cortinaboy is offline
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Hi mate,

I also started bream fishing in the maribyrnong so I know where you’re fishing and the frustration of finding a technique that works. Personally I found yd’s approach of using small hardbodies ( sx40s and similar) was the best way to start. Cast along the banks ( about 1-2m out) and use a stop start retrieve where the stop part lasts a few secs. Banging the lure into the rocks often drew the attention of fish. I’d just wander along the bank and then back so you weren’t staying in the one spot. If casting out, a sp bouncing on the bottom can work, or a fluttering hardbody like a metal vibe or a strike pro micro vibe. Once you get some success with those you can get a feel for what the fish respond to and you can try the sps or other lures. the trouble is when you haven’t caught anything, you never know if it’s you or the fish that’s the problem. You basically need a starting point of a lure and technique that works and then you’re off and running. Personally I found the bridge pylons to be the best bet if the banks weren’t working or the tide was out.
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Old 25-11-2020, 09:01 PM
Sean DRose Sean DRose is offline
Join Date: Nov 2020
Location: Maribyrnong, Melbourne VIC
Posts: 9
Originally Posted by Cortinaboy View Post
Hi mate,

I also started bream fishing in the maribyrnong so I know where you’re fishing and the frustration of finding a technique that works. Personally I found yd’s approach of using small hardbodies ( sx40s and similar) was the best way to start. Cast along the banks ( about 1-2m out) and use a stop start retrieve where the stop part lasts a few secs. Banging the lure into the rocks often drew the attention of fish. I’d just wander along the bank and then back so you weren’t staying in the one spot. If casting out, a sp bouncing on the bottom can work, or a fluttering hardbody like a metal vibe or a strike pro micro vibe. Once you get some success with those you can get a feel for what the fish respond to and you can try the sps or other lures. the trouble is when you haven’t caught anything, you never know if it’s you or the fish that’s the problem. You basically need a starting point of a lure and technique that works and then you’re off and running. Personally I found the bridge pylons to be the best bet if the banks weren’t working or the tide was out.
Thanks for the tips.
I’ll get my hands on some sx40s and give it a go.
Yes, having confidence in a method is a big part of things and I’m starting from zero. The reason I’m persistent is that I can see fish so I keep going back despite getting my butt kicked.
If the water was discoloured and I couldn’t see anything after 10 trips with no fish on the sp, I’d have given up on the sp at least.....
But I’m also a stubborn bugger and like lure fishing.

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Old 25-11-2020, 08:49 PM
Sean DRose Sean DRose is offline
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Originally Posted by greggo_1 View Post
Hi mate. Send a PM to Dale (GTXRally) or Steve (Emo) they are die-hard Nong fishos and would be happy to help I'm sure.

Good luck, Greggo.
Awesome. Thanks Greggo. I’ll reach out.
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Old 27-12-2020, 09:03 AM
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gtxrally gtxrally is offline
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Originally Posted by Sean DRose View Post
Hi all,

I'm Sean and new to bream fishing.

I used to go bait fishing to the tambo and Lakes Entrance with my dad as a kid but we never really had any real idea about what we were doing.
We'd catch the occasional bream and aus salmon in the lakes but after many trips of no fish, I moved onto trout and fly fishing and have been doing that seriously for about 25+years catch and release.

I never really had any interest in bream, to me it was all sandworms, pippis and certainly not in the Maribyrnong which I assumed was either polluted and/or fished out.

Then comes the corona virus lockdown and the Nong is the only fishable water within 5kms of me so I give it another look and discover a few youtube channels targeting bream.
(thanks Fishing Victoria; Paul Malov, Tommy mac etc)

Wow, not only are these guys catching fish consistently, but they're getting some decent fish, and on lures. Now i'm interested.
So I venture out and get a couple of good fish on bread w circle hooks
(got to start somewhere).
Then I got myself a bream raider, 6lb braid and some soft plastics and now i'm determined to get good at this.

I mainly fish around edgewater, but i'm having a really hard time on the plastics. I've probably fished about 8 or 9 sessions with no fish so im looking for help from the pros.
(Yes, i'm using the zman 1/16 or 1/20oz, 2.5inch grub in motoroil and going really slow)

I really hope this forum is still alive, my google searches on bream kept bringing me to posts on this forum so I know you breammaster guys are like minded. The registration page didn't work so I had to email the admins to get on board.

My focus will be on the nong and edgewater for the moment as i'm a keen sight fisher and I can spot them pretty readily.

I'm hoping to make my forum contributions a journey into the world of bream fishing and hopefully a story of me going from novice to pro!

So far I have only caught one fish on a sp. I spotted him in a concrete drain thing eating the weed (i think) off the side, i dropped the plastic straight down and he nailed it. That's been my only success so far.
Most of the time they spook whenver the sp come near even if i cast well beyond them and gently jig it back. They even spook when the plastic has been sitting on the bottom and they cruise into sight.
Trying to figure it all out.

Thanks guys, i'd like to hear from those of you who are still lurking around and keen to help a new guy into the sport!

Attachment 115850
Hey Sean,

Welcome aboard, and what better place to start lure fishing for bream than the mighty Nong.

I love the place mate, and try to fish there most weeks.

I know Hazy, Emo, Spiro and quit few more who were fishing it long before me and learnt a lot from these lads and these forums, so plenty of information on here for you to get your head around.

There are a couple of things to note.

For the past couple of months the Nong and Edgewater have been fishing tough and the fish do seem very spooky, but keep persisting, with all of the extra rain we have had and fresh water running down the system it has stayed dirtier for longer than usual and this has a few effects on it when it comes to bream.

They are normally on edges by now but with the fresh there is plenty of weed about so throwing hard bodies makes it a bit tough as you get snagged up all the time, but over the next month this will be the go to.

Keep using your plastics and stay as light as you can, 1/16th to 1/28th the go, i recently started giving the Monster mikes a go on edges and have had some success, but to begin with keep it simple till you get some confidence in what you're throwing.

If you are walking edges buy yourself a tacklback, it will save you heaps in the long run helping you get back your snagged lures. also target the structure like the pontoons and the brides where you can. As the summer months come on you will be able to sight cast the shallow edge fish on a high tide to

My favourite lures for both the Nong andgewater are in no particular order.
Zipabit Khamsin tiny in 509UV and 538
Cranka Crab 50mm in light Olive
40mm Stick Minnow most natural colours work
Double Clutch 60mm

If you have some confidence in the plastics then throw them, they are also cheaper to replace when you loose them and you will especially to big fish, then Nong has plenty of them.

I hope this helps and feel free to hit me up with any questions you night have. good luck and happy fishing.
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Old 21-01-2021, 11:56 PM
Sean DRose Sean DRose is offline
Join Date: Nov 2020
Location: Maribyrnong, Melbourne VIC
Posts: 9
Originally Posted by gtxrally View Post
Hey Sean,

Welcome aboard, and what better place to start lure fishing for bream than the mighty Nong.

I love the place mate, and try to fish there most weeks.

I know Hazy, Emo, Spiro and quit few more who were fishing it long before me and learnt a lot from these lads and these forums, so plenty of information on here for you to get your head around.

There are a couple of things to note.

For the past couple of months the Nong and Edgewater have been fishing tough and the fish do seem very spooky, but keep persisting, with all of the extra rain we have had and fresh water running down the system it has stayed dirtier for longer than usual and this has a few effects on it when it comes to bream.

They are normally on edges by now but with the fresh there is plenty of weed about so throwing hard bodies makes it a bit tough as you get snagged up all the time, but over the next month this will be the go to.

Keep using your plastics and stay as light as you can, 1/16th to 1/28th the go, i recently started giving the Monster mikes a go on edges and have had some success, but to begin with keep it simple till you get some confidence in what you're throwing.

If you are walking edges buy yourself a tacklback, it will save you heaps in the long run helping you get back your snagged lures. also target the structure like the pontoons and the brides where you can. As the summer months come on you will be able to sight cast the shallow edge fish on a high tide to

My favourite lures for both the Nong andgewater are in no particular order.
Zipabit Khamsin tiny in 509UV and 538
Cranka Crab 50mm in light Olive
40mm Stick Minnow most natural colours work
Double Clutch 60mm

If you have some confidence in the plastics then throw them, they are also cheaper to replace when you loose them and you will especially to big fish, then Nong has plenty of them.

I hope this helps and feel free to hit me up with any questions you night have. good luck and happy fishing.
Hi Dale,
thanks for replying, i've just started getting some success on the nong.
I downsized to a zman 2" grub in pumpkin from the 2.5" motoroil and find the fish spook much less when i bring it in.
I caught 4 small fish, after about 9 hits a few evenings ago and thought I was getting it until today, when the bream put me back in my place.

They kept nipping at the tail without taking it properly. The little fish crowd the sp and the bigger fish hang back. I'm not sure why, but the bigger fish spook on the jig, even if it subtle.
I had one moment where a bigger fish showed interest so I let it fall and sit on a rock and watched it swim over and pick it up. I hooked it and started playing it for a while but it took off and snapped my 5lb tippet. cursing.

I'm not sure what to change when they are nipping on the tail and not committing.
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Old 25-01-2021, 05:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Sean DRose View Post
Hi Dale,
thanks for replying, i've just started getting some success on the nong.
I downsized to a zman 2" grub in pumpkin from the 2.5" motoroil and find the fish spook much less when i bring it in.
I caught 4 small fish, after about 9 hits a few evenings ago and thought I was getting it until today, when the bream put me back in my place.

They kept nipping at the tail without taking it properly. The little fish crowd the sp and the bigger fish hang back. I'm not sure why, but the bigger fish spook on the jig, even if it subtle.
I had one moment where a bigger fish showed interest so I let it fall and sit on a rock and watched it swim over and pick it up. I hooked it and started playing it for a while but it took off and snapped my 5lb tippet. cursing.

I'm not sure what to change when they are nipping on the tail and not committing.
Maybe try some scent like Procure or S factor or even the new gulp scent. or secondly let it sit longer they are very tentative at the moment but hang in there it will all come together.

Cheers DB
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Old 25-01-2021, 11:50 AM
Sean DRose Sean DRose is offline
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Originally Posted by gtxrally View Post
Maybe try some scent like Procure or S factor or even the new gulp scent. or secondly let it sit longer they are very tentative at the moment but hang in there it will all come together.

Cheers DB
Thanks. Yep I’m using procure inshore already. I will try to let it sit longer. I’m learning a lot by watching them interact.
I couldn’t feel anything when the bigger fish picked it up and moved off. I was only lucky because I was close enough to see the fish open it’s mouth, pick it up and swim off. I’m sure I’m missing heaps when it’s outside on my visible range.

I’ve seen a similar thing with bread too where the smaller fish pick and nip at it and the bigger fish comes in late and carries the bait off.

I might even play with some stinger/assist hooks the next time they are fussy.
I had two other instances where the slightly better fish still nipped the tail.

The mistake I was initially making is that I had too much slack. I’d cast out and the wind would billow the line and I wouldn’t know when I hit bottom. Then I’d jig and let the line sag again.
I’m fishing tighter now and watching the transition from tension to slack and it’s made a huge difference.

Will keep u posted.


Last edited by Sean DRose; 25-01-2021 at 11:57 AM.
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Old 05-02-2021, 08:20 AM
Sean DRose Sean DRose is offline
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Location: Maribyrnong, Melbourne VIC
Posts: 9
Getting better

So I’m getting better.
I’m finding overcast helps. Sunny days and the line flash seem to subdue the bite.
I did try with a stinger hook and it works.
I’m getting more confident.
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